Thursday 26 July 2007

Movie Review: The Simpsons Movie

Like a large number of people my age, I have grown up with the Simpsons. Since their début those 18 years ago, they have grown old with us. An entire generation have grown up to the antics of Homer and family and now they have finally made it to the big screen. While many people have commented on how the quality of the show has gone down, I think its just that when the Simpsons first came out, it was one of a kind but now, there are many other shows that have followed in its footsteps.

So how do I feel personally about this long awaited movie? I think its great. And I'm not saying it just because I am a Simpsons fan and therefore
have a nature bias towards them. I'm probably expecting more from this movie then most. After all, it's being written by 11 of the best and most prolific writers of the entire series.

To understand the Simpsons, one has to remember that the depth of the jokes is what makes it different from everything else. Of course there is the zany adventures of Homer but behind everything that happens to him (and the family as a result), there is always a strong moral tale. If you are expecting slap-stick style jokes and gags, maybe you should be watching Mr. Bean instead.

The Simpsons simply reflect pop culture and pop culture moves and changes with the times, and this is what you have to know to fully appreciate what the Simpsons is truly about. I have said so many times before, the Simpsons is really a very deep show and one has to really understand the ideas and philosophy behind the writing to fully and truly get what the show is trying to say.

That said, the movie has a simple but heart warming story. It's a story that really touches on the importance of being a family and what being a family means. The love between a husband and a wife is much more then just say the words "I Love You" to each other every day. It also talks about what it means to be a father. And what does a child really expect from his/her father. This is the central theme of the movie: the ups and downs of being a family and sticking together no matter what.

If you really want to enjoy this movie, remember, the Simpsons isn't about gags and jokes (although there are tons of it in this movie), at it's heart, it's a simple movie about being a family. 9.5/10 from me.

*This movie is even better the 2nd time around!

p/s: to all those Strait Times reviewers: do yourself a favour and get a brain before you review another movie. Bloody w***ers...I'd do to them what Maggie's doing to the monkey...

Wednesday 25 July 2007

One day more

24 hours more and the Simpsons will finally be on the big screen. I am excited beyond worlds. I am already planning to wake up early and watch the first show of the day. I can't wait.

If only every thing else about this week was as g
ood as waiting for the Simpsons.

Monday 23 July 2007

This week only: Simpsons week!

I am getting more excited as the days count down to Thursday. I have decided that I will watch the first show of the day and then I'll be a happy boy for the reminder of the week. I cannot believe my long wait for the Simpsons movie is finally coming to and end. Given the already crappy start to my week, at least its something to look forward to.

4 more days...

Saturday 21 July 2007


Have you ever woke up one morning and felt like the whole world was spinning right in front of you and you just was spinning along with it. I felt like that this was weird. Either I am over dosed with drugs (the legal kind) or I am under dosed...either way, this morning was weird. Took me almost 20 mins before I could actually stand properly. No idea what the heck was going on. Maybe its due to lack of sleep; my horrid insomnia has returned this past week with a vengeance. Hate it...stupid lack of sleep.

On a good note though, I've been watching tons of Simpsons in the past week preparing myself for this coming Thursday. I might even get up early and watch the very first show of the day! Haven't done that for any movie since Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith...hehehe. Guess I am a Simpsons freak after all. Hahaha...

6 more days.

Friday 20 July 2007

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I've yet to read a single Harry Potter book (gasp!). But you see, I have this horrible problem, I'm a horribly impatient person especially when it comes to film trilogies and books. I really cannot stand waiting and so I will get down to reading them when the final book comes out and a box set is releases. Oh yeah, I like box sets too. Actually, I just like boxes.

So I'm going to grade this film on the basis of the film itself. Personally, I expected more from this film. The preceding 2 films were very good and very entertaining especially The Prisoner of Azkaban. They really focused on the characters and the development of those characters. However, I was left rather disappointed by this sequel. Maybe because David Yates had 2 films to tell the story he wanted to tell but there was a lack of both character development and a rather laboured form of storytelling.

The film itself was rather slow moving and the plot seemed rather confusing. And sadly, it really lacked the character development that was prominent in the last 2 film and since this is the 5th Harry Potter movie, I think its time to really focus on the relationship between the characters and make us care more about them. This in my opinion will only build up the excitement to the next film. After all, if you care about the characters, you will care about the story. I think in films like these were it is set in magical and fantastical world, one can get overwhelmed by showing too much of the world and forgetting that in the end, a film is a story about relationships. I really could not feel the lost of the death of Sirius Black which to me is a major turning point in the series.

Another issue I had with this film is Daniel Radcliffe's acting is starting to really affect the series. He seems only able to portray happy, angry and sad in a fixed rotation of said emotions. As the lead in the series is easily being out acted by Emma Watson (who is truly becoming a beautiful leading lady) and Rupert Grint. New addition Evanna Lynch really steals the show as Luna Lovegood. Her performance lights up the film every time she appears on screen. Another good set up for the next film is the increasing screen time for Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) given her much more important role in the next 2 books.

I am hoping the next one will really start to bring the relationship of the characters to the fore front and start making us non readers of the book care about the characters and the situation they are facing; that after all was the strength of Lord of The Rings. 6/10.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

The Simpsons Movie Countdown: 10 days to go

18 years in the making. The greatest family television is coming to the big screen. Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and baby Maggie. I've waited so long for this to come. I think this is the movie that I've been looking forward to most this year. Can't wait.

"Spider pig, spider pig, does what ever a spider pig does..."

Hehehe. 10 more day.

Sunday 15 July 2007

The Daily News...With Me I

A new house mate is moving in this weekend but due to some miscommunication between my other house mate and me, it came as a bit of a surprise but all is well. It just caught us a little off guard and the house was not really ready but everything worked out in the end. So all is good!

Finally after being in Australia for 3 years I actually get a proper Aussie as a house mate but alas its only for a short few weeks before I myself have to move to a temporary holding house until I leave this country for good.

3 years have flown by and it seemed like such a short time has passed but I guess that's how life is. A year seems so long but when you break it down, it really is a very short time. And now as I prepare to finish up my thesis and move home for good, another phase in life starts for me. And to be honest, its something that I am really looking forward to.

I know I will change my mind once I start working but right now, my brain and my body is tired from studying. I never realized how much fun it actually is to study. Secondary school was hell because I had to do some many subjects which I honestly hated and found useless. But once I got into the Arts, I finally found a place where I belong. I guess that's the irony of life, what you hated as a child turned out to be the very thing which brings joy to you all those years later. Oh well...till next time.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Of all the stupid things...

In all my years as a Christian, I have never been able to understand the reasons why when someone reaches a position of power within a church, the suddenly set themselves above and beyond everyone else. And then one day as I was sitting in church, I had an epiphany, the reason they do it is simply because they are no better then anyone else but they think they are. They desire power and control the same way a dictator or a ruler or an emperor would.

And once they have that power, they will do whatever to make sure they keep it. They move to get rid and cast out anyone who thinks differently, who choose a different way of living. Anyone who does not share their ideology is suddenly evil. They become the judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one.

Suddenly, at that single moment, I realised that they are nothing but mere humans who believe they are better then anyone else. Suddenly I realised they too can be wrong and that the Church is NOT perfect. In fact, they are far from it and what makes them so disgusting is that they act as though they are. They are nothing but humans. They are people but yet the act divine. They say God speaks to us all but if we hear something different form them, we hear God wrongly. It seems that they are the only ones whom seem to understand what God is really say. I have two words for that: Utter Bullshit.

The church cannot even unite itself with each other, constantly fighting between the different denominations, how can they become one uniting force it was meant to be. I am sicken by all this in fighting. Statements like this only serves to convince me that religion is evil. Once again I find myself at odds with dogmatic religion. To me, organized religion does nothing but to divide us. To separate us from the one thing that unites us all on this world: The fact that we are mortal and we are all human.

We cannot forget our humanity because it is in our humanity that we will find our common ground.

Sunday 1 July 2007

Movie Review: Transformers

I am not a real big fan of Michael Bay. He's done a number of really fun action packed films but he has also made one of the worse movies I have ever watched in my whole life, Pearl Harbor; the film it self was almost as tragic as the attack. Honestly, I don't think he's done a film that I enjoyed since The Rock. And I enjoyed Transformers as a kid growing up, so when I found out he was doing Transformers, I was not in a very happy mood.

But I went to watch it anyway, I mean it was Transformers and it was produced by Spielberg himself so it really couldn't be that bad.

Well, the effects, the Transformer robots were awesome! Some of the best CGI work I have seen in a long while. And the fight scenes were good; especially the one when the special forces were fighting Decepticon Scorponok. But sadly, 45 mins into the film, after the wow of the effects and the action, I found myself bored. The story line started out promising but was never worked into its full potential but instead the focus was turned to the awesome fighting scenes between the robots which I am all for it. But after a while, you really need something more going for it. You need a strong story to pull it all together, like what was done in the Star Wars IV and V and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy but sadly, the it was missing in Transformers. It just confirms for me the fact that Michael Bay can do excellent action films but when it comes to the story telling aspect of the films, I still find him lacking.

I give it 6/10* but mainly cause I like the Transformers as a kid and the CGI was awesome. The story (or there lack off) really got me bored.

*The story gets a 1/10 for me. Which means the action and the CGI were worth 5/10 of the total score.