Sunday 21 October 2007

The Mist of Avalon...

This isn't really about Avalon or anything King Arthur-ish, just thought the title painted a really nice visual image. These last few days have been filled with running around, paperwork, filming final shots and then cutting them into my film; which I have to say is coming along really nicely. I think this is the first film I have made that I am actually proud of but whether it pleases the powers that be is a totally different story. Sometimes when you are in school, you somehow lose your "voice" in the work you make. You somehow run the risk of making something to please someone else, thus is the "evils" that affect the arts. And this is always the thing I am always the most afraid of. Some how this has been something that has plagued me all my life and I hope this time, I can really say "This is the film I wanted to make."

In between all this rushing, I've been packing up my life in Brisbane as well. Saying goodbye after almost 3 and a half years is not going to be easy but then, nothing ever is. Especially when it comes to having to change your life again. But I think this is something that I've had too much familiarity with. Changing schools, changing countries; all part and parcel of the life I have chosen for myself.

So now, as I stand once more on the brink of a new tomorrow, I sit down and remember the road that has lead me here and this time, I allow myself to smile knowing I have done what I wanted to do when I started my journey here. Perhaps one day life will lead my past this road I once trod but until then, they will remain quiet memories for another day.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Fitting your life into a box

As I lie in bed writing this, I am looking around my room thinking and wondering how I am going to fit all my stuff into boxes for shipping. As I get ready to call time on my life in Australia which is coming to an end in the next few weeks, I have not yet reach the place where I can look back yet but I am filled with a question, a certain wonder. A wonder of how I can pack my whole life into a box (or in case, a few boxes) and that action becomes in itself the closing act in this adventure which has taken the last 3 over years of my life. Perhaps one day I will find and answer to how I feel.

Friday 5 October 2007

Movie Review: The Kingdom

The Kingdom was the first movie I've watch since The Bourne Ultimatum and I was very glad I took the time out to catch it. The premise of the movie was simple really: a terrorist cell blows up a bomb inside a compound built for American workers in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hence the name of the film) and a team of FBI agents fight politics home and aboard to find the man behind it. Essentially, that's the story in a nutshell. It had great interesting if somewhat stereotypical characters but the acting more then makes up for it. But it also had wonderful moments in this film with give you a chance to bond with them. Perhaps giving us characters we can identify with so easily gave us a platform from which we start to care about them much easier and much quicker; something which would prove we useful as the story plays itself out.

I have a problem classifying this movie simple because its not a full on action movie, neither is it a full on crime mystery and it also falls short on being a strong comment on the political climate that is now existing in the Middle East. Some people will see this as a flaw in the movie but I rather think it's part of what made it so enjoyable.

Good and evil is seemingly played out very clearly in this film but at the end; what you get instead of a "good guys win, bad guys end up all died" scenario is a moral mirror with which one can look at themselves and ask themselves have they been rooting for the correct side.

Terrorism is probably one of the most horrid fears in our world today and this film addresses in with no holds barred. It doesn't put faceless victims on screen but rather gives you a look at how a normal peaceful afternoon can be shattered by the horrors of terrorism. It also gives you a look at the "answer" to terrorism: Vengeance. Do not get me wrong, those who commit senseless mass murder must be punished but it must be done so in the name of justice and not revenge. The desire for payback can make violence of this sort play itself out in an endless cycle from which the only ones who will suffer are the innocent. It is clear from this film that the ones who will suffer for our inability to co-exist peacefully on this earth will be our children.

We are continually divided on many issues ranging form race, religion, ethnicity and so forth and the longer we choose not to focus on what we have in common, on what might bring us together, the longer the innocent will suffer.

What I loved most about this film is that it doesn't tell you who is right and who is wrong. It is something you decide for yourself but what you get is characters in whom you can see and understand their motivations and from there you can see yourself in their shoes. And at the end, when the guns are silence and the cost is counted, you find yourself in a moment of reflection, wishing that what you saw was nothing more then fantasy before realizing it is a fictionalised version of what is happening in the world today. 8/10.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Dead Poets

I was watching Dead Poets Society on DVD the other day. It was such an important film to me; I think it was the film that made me realize the power of the written word and at the same time made me interested in literature in a way I never expected. The other impact this film had on me was it made me see films as more then entertainment. Although not a traditional Art-film, DPS made me realize that films can be used to tell a moral tale as strong as myths and legends. It can be used to inspire and change the lives of people. For anyone who has never see it, its one of the films you have to watch before you die.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived
I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary.
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life,
to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner…"

~ Henry David Thoreau

Thursday 13 September 2007

One of those things...

I was having fruit loops for "breakfast" today (yes! I eat fruit loops, you got a problem with that?). I noticed something interesting about fruit loops as compared to all my other cereals. No matter how hard I try, I always seems to have more milk then loops left over. Always makes me sad...its like I am running out of fruit loops...oh well...

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Addiction III

I don't really shop much for clothes but recently I have become addicted to t-shirts; especially shirts that reflect who I am and stuff I believe in. They are like walking works of art! I am like totally insane about them. I think right now my collect stands at around 20 plus. And I am not yet ready to stop. There are so many out of stock ones that I want...*drool*....

One day I will line them all up and take photos of every one of them! hahaha....damn addiction!

Thursday 30 August 2007

Movie Review: The Bourne Ultimatum

I think the Bourne Trilogy could possibly be the best spy/thriller movies ever made. The first two Bourne film; The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy were awesome. Good action sequences, great plot, great action and most of all, a focus on character over action.

And The Bourne Ultimatum is no different, it dovetails perfectly into the series. And like the previous two films, the best part of it was how they focus on telling the stories of the characters and adding on to what was established in the previous two films.

The film once again has great action as well. The chase scenes in Tangier and New York City were really by the edge of you seat stuff. But the one scene which I loved the most was the spy vs spy one set at Waterloo station. That was such an awesome scene that the only way to describe it would be to say "go watch it."

I think the key to the success of these films was how they made the stories about the characters. In action films, the emphasis has often been on action over story telling (take that Michael Bay) but I have always felt the best action films have been those that managed to tell a great story about interesting characters and that was what this film had in bundles. You not only get charged up by the action but you get drawn in to the story and you feel for the characters. Even the James Bond films are starting to move towards that direction but they still have a long way to go before they can match up to the three Bourne film.

This is one film that is definitely worth a watch. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I think its worth watching twice! To me, this film was everything that Transformers failed to be. 9.5/10.

p/s: I love Julie Stiles! She's gorgeous. She lights up the movie....

Arsenal: Champions League Football

Yes! We beat Sparta Prague 3-0 at home and that means another year of Champions League Football. The team seems to be playing well this year even though we lost some key players. But I still think the squad is rather thin. Hopefully we bring in one or two more players before the transfer window closes but so far so good.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

A poem for today I

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying :
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer ;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may go marry :
For having lost but once your prime
You may for ever tarry.

~ Robert Herrick,
'To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time'

Here is a poem that I really like. Enjoy. :)

Tuesday 21 August 2007

"Condemnant Quod Non Intellegunt"

I happen pass a friend's blog post one day because I was bored and was looking for things to read. While reading one of her post, I was sparked by something that she wrote. I am not going to go into what it was specifically simply because every one is entitled to his/her own views on things. I told one of my good buds, Jo, about it and she was not a happy camper (Btw, the friend who blogged it was a mutual friend of ours and Jo's kinda a touchy person).

Anyway, we spoke about it on MSN and that was when I thought I'd address the issue which bugged me to begin with: conformity and the death of the individual.

I have said many times on this blog of mine that I am a Christian, not a perfect one, but one that tries to be better all the time. I have my good days and my bad days. My good habits and my bad ones. But one thing I have always maintained through the best of my abilities is my own personal ideas and ethics. What I see to be right and what I see to be wrong. Now, without getting into a huge spiritual debate about this, lets just say that yes, the Holy Spirit leads and guides but it is Man who must make the choice to follow. I believe everyone can agree on that. (Anyone who doesn't, stop reading now and go to some other more Holy webpage)

What angers me most about most Right-Wing Churches (are there any other kind?) that exist in Singapore is the way they often criticize something without understanding it; and often without even having looked into it. Lets take Harry Potter for example. Personally, I have nothing against it. It's just a story book. Yes, it talks about wizards and witches and magic, but the way the Church paints it is that the book is pure evil because it preaches the above-mentioned topics. Now, I find this unfair. How can the Church support works such as The Lord of The Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia and yet be so against Harry Potter? Both of those series deal with magic. Gandalf is a wizard for crying out loud. Is it simple because both authors of those books are Catholic and Christian respectively? So are we saying we are not against the story but rather the person who wrote it? I mean, make you arguments and you stands clear.

Why can't we take what's good about those stories and focus on that instead? I mean, if you look at Harry Potter. What is one simple basic Biblical principal that can be found in it? It's not hard. It's the love one has for his friends. If you take the story as a whole, you can summarise it into one single verse in the Bible: "Greater love has no other than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. ~ John 15:13". Am I the only one who sees this? I am not even a theologian, much less a pastor. Maybe instead on jumping on the band wagon of speaking before understanding, we could perhaps exercise a little more patience and restraint?

I my humble opinion, wisdom without knowledge is simply bullshit and knowledge without wisdom is just facts. Maybe we should actually put both together for once rather then make them mutually exclusive.

Another thing that got my mind running was the notion of conformity. When I was growing up in my church in Singapore (at least it was my church then), I was always reminded that we must set ourselves apart from the world. After all when Christ was here, he never conformed to the standards of the time. So we must also do that same, set ourselves apart. But on the flip side, they also tell me that I must follow the line when I am within the church. Do not break rank. Stand side by side. Conform to the standards that exist within the church. Trust me, this has caused me to have more then one crisis of faith. It wasn't until many years later that I finally could put that demon to rest. But the point I want to make is this; by doing that, you set a standard for the people within the church, you drive it into their mindsets every weekend. The end result will be this: The people (ok, Christians if you must) become self-righteous and they start to judge every one and everything in this world by their standards (sometimes without even knowing they are doing it but often they know).

How do I know this? I was guilty of it. And so where my peers. But I realized what I was doing was wrong. My question to the is "have you?". I think its easy to pass judgement on things you do not know, but would that be right? I always remember this: You'll never win people by judging them. You will win them by showing them compassion and you will keep them by showing your humanity and by accepting theirs.

Semper Fi.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

The Daily News...With Me II

It was the Ekka holiday today. So I decided to go into Uni and get some work done since I prefer the Uni when its empty and quiet. A handful of other students were in the library but they didn't bother me. All the offices on my level were empty and quiet.


But what I hate about these holidays is the huge crowds that are there when you make your way home. And when you have a "Ekka-type" events, you have children. Children: The bane of my existence. Children, running free with stupid stuff painted all over their faces, yelling and screaming. *Argh*...I really hate children.

I have been told by friends a long time ago that my view of children will change when I reach around 25. Well, I'm 26 now and I hate children now more then I ever have in my whole life. So now they tell me, I'll change my mind when I reach 30, that's 4 more years. Well, we'll see. But knowing me the way I know me, I seriously doubt it.

Monday 13 August 2007

Memoria III

Hearing the stories of heart break that are have come from the lives of my friends have brought a realisation to me: Have I become so numb to the concept of romance that I longer believe in it? I mean, its not that I don't believe in love but maybe I longer believe in the idea of romantic love.

Love has lost that notion of magic that it once held over me. I have come to look at it as secondary to a lot of other things. Maybe I've become more practical then I'd ever hope to be or maybe I'm just tired and stress from the weight of my studies but love no longer seems to have that wonderful warm feeling from that time long ago.

In many a ways, I envy my friends. Their heart breaks and their hopes that one day someone will come and sweep them off their feet. I envy them because I no longer seem to be able to feel that way. Well, maybe one day I will feel like that again. Maybe one day I will feel alive as I once did. There's always hope. Or failing that, there is always photographs; which always brings the wonderful self-reflecting idea of death to one's mind and thus forcing one to really appreciate life.

Or sometimes, wishing for a quicker end to it. Oh well...

p/s: Something interesting happened when I was in Uni on Sat (YES! Sat! I like it when Uni is empty and quiet). I was helping a classmate fix some Avid problems and sensing she was bored of looking at me click the mouse, I let her read my short story. And to my surprise, even though she doesn't know me that well and has never really read my work, she could tell that a lot of the characters in it were based on me. Guess its always a good sign that people can tell your writing style.

Arsenal 2 Fulham 1

The Premier League kicked off this weekend and after a whole summer of selling some of the keystones of our team, Arsenal has started the season with a good home win against Fulham. Pity the early mistake by Lehmann let Fulham score early. Otherwise, kudos to the youngsters, especially Van Persie. This is a big year for our new Dutch master.

featured photo III

I realised I had not changed my feature photo for almost 2 months. I must admit, I have been rather lazy to do it but finally I have. Guess I was in the mood to update my blog today. Took this photo with the Nikon D200 and the Nikon 50mm 1.4 lens (if I'm not wrong...I have a 8 minute memory. Blame TV.)

Thursday 9 August 2007

Oh great...Its the NDP again...

Maybe its just me or maybe its because I have become cynical and jaded like a large portion of my generation but every year when the NDP comes around, rather then get wrapped up in the sense of national pride and patriotism; I get swamped with feelings of annoyance and the anger at the waste of money on the NDP itself. Now, I am not saying that loving your country is not important, in fact I think the opposite. I love my country. It is my home and the one place where I will always find a connection with. If my country goes to war, I'd be more then happy to fight for it.

But I cannot understand why every year we continue to pour money away at an attempt to whip up feelings of patriotism and celebration of the greatness of our leaders and our armed forces and lets face it, the NDP is nothing more then a showcase of how "cool" and "awesome" the SAF is. And coming from someone who has worked with some of the officers in charge of planning previous NDPs, I can safely say this: they are nothing but a bunch of stupid mindless drones who has NO sense of individuality and ideology.

In a year when the GST in has been raised from 5% to 7%, a small but significant increase. Couldn't the money set aside for the NDP be used for something better? Tax breaks perhaps? I mean, it is NOT cheap to put the NDP together and interestingly, the budget for the NDP has never been reveal to the public but I can say this, it is often a 7 figured sum. I am sure there are ways to celebrate our nation's birth without having to spend that much money. (And as my friend remarked, its showed on ALL 3 Free-to-air channels. Talk about a waste of prime time television slots.)

I love my country; I honestly do. And I love this world we live in; maybe not the people (we are after all causing our very own destruction) who live in it but definitely the Earth herself and in a time when wars and famine are claiming the lives of count less innocents, maybe the money can be really but to a better use rather then thrown away in an honestly lame attempt to make us love our country more, to be more grateful to our wondrous leaders who are often above reproach. (ironically, when watching the NDP, a film called Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl comes to mind. Great film.) Above all, the NDP tries to make us more patriotic. But if you asked me, I'd simply say this: a great writer once wrote a long time ago, "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious". Oh yeah, and the name of that great writer: Oscar Wilde.

Thursday 26 July 2007

Movie Review: The Simpsons Movie

Like a large number of people my age, I have grown up with the Simpsons. Since their début those 18 years ago, they have grown old with us. An entire generation have grown up to the antics of Homer and family and now they have finally made it to the big screen. While many people have commented on how the quality of the show has gone down, I think its just that when the Simpsons first came out, it was one of a kind but now, there are many other shows that have followed in its footsteps.

So how do I feel personally about this long awaited movie? I think its great. And I'm not saying it just because I am a Simpsons fan and therefore
have a nature bias towards them. I'm probably expecting more from this movie then most. After all, it's being written by 11 of the best and most prolific writers of the entire series.

To understand the Simpsons, one has to remember that the depth of the jokes is what makes it different from everything else. Of course there is the zany adventures of Homer but behind everything that happens to him (and the family as a result), there is always a strong moral tale. If you are expecting slap-stick style jokes and gags, maybe you should be watching Mr. Bean instead.

The Simpsons simply reflect pop culture and pop culture moves and changes with the times, and this is what you have to know to fully appreciate what the Simpsons is truly about. I have said so many times before, the Simpsons is really a very deep show and one has to really understand the ideas and philosophy behind the writing to fully and truly get what the show is trying to say.

That said, the movie has a simple but heart warming story. It's a story that really touches on the importance of being a family and what being a family means. The love between a husband and a wife is much more then just say the words "I Love You" to each other every day. It also talks about what it means to be a father. And what does a child really expect from his/her father. This is the central theme of the movie: the ups and downs of being a family and sticking together no matter what.

If you really want to enjoy this movie, remember, the Simpsons isn't about gags and jokes (although there are tons of it in this movie), at it's heart, it's a simple movie about being a family. 9.5/10 from me.

*This movie is even better the 2nd time around!

p/s: to all those Strait Times reviewers: do yourself a favour and get a brain before you review another movie. Bloody w***ers...I'd do to them what Maggie's doing to the monkey...

Wednesday 25 July 2007

One day more

24 hours more and the Simpsons will finally be on the big screen. I am excited beyond worlds. I am already planning to wake up early and watch the first show of the day. I can't wait.

If only every thing else about this week was as g
ood as waiting for the Simpsons.

Monday 23 July 2007

This week only: Simpsons week!

I am getting more excited as the days count down to Thursday. I have decided that I will watch the first show of the day and then I'll be a happy boy for the reminder of the week. I cannot believe my long wait for the Simpsons movie is finally coming to and end. Given the already crappy start to my week, at least its something to look forward to.

4 more days...

Saturday 21 July 2007


Have you ever woke up one morning and felt like the whole world was spinning right in front of you and you just was spinning along with it. I felt like that this was weird. Either I am over dosed with drugs (the legal kind) or I am under dosed...either way, this morning was weird. Took me almost 20 mins before I could actually stand properly. No idea what the heck was going on. Maybe its due to lack of sleep; my horrid insomnia has returned this past week with a vengeance. Hate it...stupid lack of sleep.

On a good note though, I've been watching tons of Simpsons in the past week preparing myself for this coming Thursday. I might even get up early and watch the very first show of the day! Haven't done that for any movie since Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith...hehehe. Guess I am a Simpsons freak after all. Hahaha...

6 more days.

Friday 20 July 2007

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I've yet to read a single Harry Potter book (gasp!). But you see, I have this horrible problem, I'm a horribly impatient person especially when it comes to film trilogies and books. I really cannot stand waiting and so I will get down to reading them when the final book comes out and a box set is releases. Oh yeah, I like box sets too. Actually, I just like boxes.

So I'm going to grade this film on the basis of the film itself. Personally, I expected more from this film. The preceding 2 films were very good and very entertaining especially The Prisoner of Azkaban. They really focused on the characters and the development of those characters. However, I was left rather disappointed by this sequel. Maybe because David Yates had 2 films to tell the story he wanted to tell but there was a lack of both character development and a rather laboured form of storytelling.

The film itself was rather slow moving and the plot seemed rather confusing. And sadly, it really lacked the character development that was prominent in the last 2 film and since this is the 5th Harry Potter movie, I think its time to really focus on the relationship between the characters and make us care more about them. This in my opinion will only build up the excitement to the next film. After all, if you care about the characters, you will care about the story. I think in films like these were it is set in magical and fantastical world, one can get overwhelmed by showing too much of the world and forgetting that in the end, a film is a story about relationships. I really could not feel the lost of the death of Sirius Black which to me is a major turning point in the series.

Another issue I had with this film is Daniel Radcliffe's acting is starting to really affect the series. He seems only able to portray happy, angry and sad in a fixed rotation of said emotions. As the lead in the series is easily being out acted by Emma Watson (who is truly becoming a beautiful leading lady) and Rupert Grint. New addition Evanna Lynch really steals the show as Luna Lovegood. Her performance lights up the film every time she appears on screen. Another good set up for the next film is the increasing screen time for Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) given her much more important role in the next 2 books.

I am hoping the next one will really start to bring the relationship of the characters to the fore front and start making us non readers of the book care about the characters and the situation they are facing; that after all was the strength of Lord of The Rings. 6/10.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

The Simpsons Movie Countdown: 10 days to go

18 years in the making. The greatest family television is coming to the big screen. Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and baby Maggie. I've waited so long for this to come. I think this is the movie that I've been looking forward to most this year. Can't wait.

"Spider pig, spider pig, does what ever a spider pig does..."

Hehehe. 10 more day.

Sunday 15 July 2007

The Daily News...With Me I

A new house mate is moving in this weekend but due to some miscommunication between my other house mate and me, it came as a bit of a surprise but all is well. It just caught us a little off guard and the house was not really ready but everything worked out in the end. So all is good!

Finally after being in Australia for 3 years I actually get a proper Aussie as a house mate but alas its only for a short few weeks before I myself have to move to a temporary holding house until I leave this country for good.

3 years have flown by and it seemed like such a short time has passed but I guess that's how life is. A year seems so long but when you break it down, it really is a very short time. And now as I prepare to finish up my thesis and move home for good, another phase in life starts for me. And to be honest, its something that I am really looking forward to.

I know I will change my mind once I start working but right now, my brain and my body is tired from studying. I never realized how much fun it actually is to study. Secondary school was hell because I had to do some many subjects which I honestly hated and found useless. But once I got into the Arts, I finally found a place where I belong. I guess that's the irony of life, what you hated as a child turned out to be the very thing which brings joy to you all those years later. Oh well...till next time.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Of all the stupid things...

In all my years as a Christian, I have never been able to understand the reasons why when someone reaches a position of power within a church, the suddenly set themselves above and beyond everyone else. And then one day as I was sitting in church, I had an epiphany, the reason they do it is simply because they are no better then anyone else but they think they are. They desire power and control the same way a dictator or a ruler or an emperor would.

And once they have that power, they will do whatever to make sure they keep it. They move to get rid and cast out anyone who thinks differently, who choose a different way of living. Anyone who does not share their ideology is suddenly evil. They become the judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one.

Suddenly, at that single moment, I realised that they are nothing but mere humans who believe they are better then anyone else. Suddenly I realised they too can be wrong and that the Church is NOT perfect. In fact, they are far from it and what makes them so disgusting is that they act as though they are. They are nothing but humans. They are people but yet the act divine. They say God speaks to us all but if we hear something different form them, we hear God wrongly. It seems that they are the only ones whom seem to understand what God is really say. I have two words for that: Utter Bullshit.

The church cannot even unite itself with each other, constantly fighting between the different denominations, how can they become one uniting force it was meant to be. I am sicken by all this in fighting. Statements like this only serves to convince me that religion is evil. Once again I find myself at odds with dogmatic religion. To me, organized religion does nothing but to divide us. To separate us from the one thing that unites us all on this world: The fact that we are mortal and we are all human.

We cannot forget our humanity because it is in our humanity that we will find our common ground.

Sunday 1 July 2007

Movie Review: Transformers

I am not a real big fan of Michael Bay. He's done a number of really fun action packed films but he has also made one of the worse movies I have ever watched in my whole life, Pearl Harbor; the film it self was almost as tragic as the attack. Honestly, I don't think he's done a film that I enjoyed since The Rock. And I enjoyed Transformers as a kid growing up, so when I found out he was doing Transformers, I was not in a very happy mood.

But I went to watch it anyway, I mean it was Transformers and it was produced by Spielberg himself so it really couldn't be that bad.

Well, the effects, the Transformer robots were awesome! Some of the best CGI work I have seen in a long while. And the fight scenes were good; especially the one when the special forces were fighting Decepticon Scorponok. But sadly, 45 mins into the film, after the wow of the effects and the action, I found myself bored. The story line started out promising but was never worked into its full potential but instead the focus was turned to the awesome fighting scenes between the robots which I am all for it. But after a while, you really need something more going for it. You need a strong story to pull it all together, like what was done in the Star Wars IV and V and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy but sadly, the it was missing in Transformers. It just confirms for me the fact that Michael Bay can do excellent action films but when it comes to the story telling aspect of the films, I still find him lacking.

I give it 6/10* but mainly cause I like the Transformers as a kid and the CGI was awesome. The story (or there lack off) really got me bored.

*The story gets a 1/10 for me. Which means the action and the CGI were worth 5/10 of the total score.

Saturday 30 June 2007

The cost of silence

When I looks back at the history of the world, I can't help but realise that the history of Mankind is marked forever by conflict. Wars are fought for so many reasons. The clash of ideas, the clash or religion (more wars have been fought over religion then any other reason), the desire of conquest, the clash of cultures and numerous other reasons.

Some wars we understand. Some we can even agree that it was a war that was needed to be fought. Some wars have no meaning at all. No one knows why it was fought but all we know is that it was fought. The price that is paid is never paid by the people who made the decisions to fight it. The price of war is the bore by the families and the loved ones of those who have died doing their duty to their flag.

War is pain. Nothing good comes out of war but yet we cannot stop fighting. One conflict after another. Everyday we read the news, we watch our television sets. People die. But we don't care. We become numb to the news. We forget the pain that a single death causes. We tell ourselves it had nothing to do with us. Why do we do this?

Maybe its because the blood that is being spilt today has something to do with us? Maybe we are to blame for all this. Today we are becoming more and more afraid to speak up. Growing up in Singapore, we were taught to not speak up against the government or else we'll get into trouble. The fear of punishment was put into us at an early age. But someone of us never could accept it. I couldn't. I guess that's why I have never felt comfortable growing up. I have so much I want to say but often no idea at all how to say it.

Everyone who has something good to add to this world should find a way to do it. Maybe its about time for me to do that. Because the price for keeping silent might one day prove to be too much to pay. I guess I'm rumbling a bit today...I'm just having one of those days when I got tons on my mind and nothing to really tie it all together.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Movie Review: Fantasic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer

I watched the first Fantastic 4 and the only thing I liked about it was Jessica Alba. But this second one was different: It had Jessica Alba. And it had the Silver Surfer. Well...that's about it. There wasn't really anything wrong with the film. But as compared with the rest of the other comic book movies, it was just to clean. Too much for the kids.

The lack of a darkness of it makes it a nice fun show for kids but not something that I enjoyed. But like I said, there was nothing wrong with the film in the end.

I have always liked the Silver Surfer. For as long as I remembered, he was the first superhero that I knew of as a kid so to see him on screen was exciting. The story itself was simple if somewhat boring and expected. The CGI and animation work was good but that in itself can't carry a film. It's something you would enjoy if you were a kid but sadly it wasn't something I enjoyed. 4/10.

Monday 25 June 2007

Sick whole weekend. I hate it when I am sick. I feel so out of it. Everything seems warped. Like you entered some weird dimension. Everything seems so out of place.

But the good thing about being sick. Pills! I love pills! It seems to make me feel better. I sound like a drug addict...

Anyway, back to bed.

Saturday 23 June 2007

Movie Review: Blades of Glory

I have never been a big fan of slap stick style comedies like Blades of Glory; well, not enough to actually go watch it at a cinema. I normally wait for the DVD to be released. But I was having a pretty bad week this past week and so I decided I needed to have a laugh. And so I went to watch Blades. To my surprise...I enjoyed it...

It was just a movie that you go out there, sit down, switch off for a few hours and enjoy yourself and have a few laughs. The jokes were crude but never distasteful and the gags just worked so well within this genre of movies. Throw into the mix Jon Heder and Will Ferell and you got yourself a nice funny night out. Its worth it if you were not having a great day! I give it a 7.5/10.

Friday 15 June 2007

Off the beaten track

I do not know why I do what I do some times. Often I look at my life and ask myself why did I make the decisions to follow the path that I have taken. I went away from doing things that most people in Singapore would to follow a path that is filled with uncertainties. Most people would look at doing something that would ensure them a good stable job with great prospects.

But I've never saw it that way. I've always gone where my passion has drove me and so often, I would end up in places I never thought for a moment I could ever be in. Right now as I am coming to the end of my post graduate studies; the next chapter of my life awaits. Looking for a job back home in Singapore in an area where I love is a lot harder then I would wish to admit to myself. Part of me is afraid and part of me is excited.

I want so much to work in a museum. To be surrounded by art and history. To be around things that speak from the deeps of time's eternal past. The present is a difficult place to live in, the future looks bleak and filled with fear. The past seems to be the most comfortable place but one cannot stay there. The past is like a place where you can visit but you can never stay. It's like art; it holds you, comforts you, inspires you and then sends you away to the present. You cannot stay but you are always welcomed back.

I'm actually thinking right now about doing more studies. Probably part time once I get a job. And once again, when faced with this idea, I find myself walking away from the well beaten track; towards the path less taken and once again, I find myself excited by the prospects of an unknown journey towards the fulfilment of a dreamer's dream.

Thursday 7 June 2007

A decade past...

I just realised that its been 10 years since this year since I left my secondary school. What made me remember was the fact that I had a dream about my sec school days last night. Technically it will be 10 years at the end of the year but I'm not going to really care.

It's amazing how time files. In what seems like a short time, 10 years has moved past. Sometimes it still feel likes I never left. I do not really know how much has actually changed in that time. Being out of touch with almost all of the people I went to school with doesn't help at all. Its like those 4 years of my life never happened. Or rather it happened to someone else and I'm just remembering those years on his behalf.

Sometimes you wonder if it would be possible to bring some of those years back. To redo some of the mistakes of your past. Or even to go through it again so that you'd end up somewhere else instead. But Time flows on despite the efforts of Man. So I guess memories is what we will really be left with.

I would not say that those 4 years were the most important of my life but I will say that without those years, I would not be where I am today. And in many-a-ways, I am happy with where my life is today. I think if I had taken some of the other pathways opened to me in those days, I would be a very different person.

I think the thing I missed most about those years were my teachers. I know a lot of teachers today who are my peers and believe me when I say this, those teachers were the old school ones. People who really were passionate about what they did. Not like some of the teachers of today who are doing it more because they don't have anything else better to do. Those teachers choose to be teachers despite the ability to do other things. And sometimes I think I never took the time out to really thank them for all the advice and inspiration that they gave to me during those formative years.

10 years on, older and (hopefully) wiser, you begin to remember the things that happen in those years and put them in the context of life itself. And once you take the time to do so, you really wish that time could stand still, just to saviour and breath in those moments once more. But alas, tempus fugit.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Movie Review: Hot Fuzz

I like British comedy. They have dry wit and humour that I really enjoy. Maybe it because my own humour is about like that too, which sadly isn't something that many people in my own country enjoy. In fact, most of the people I know don't dig this kind of humour. But I like it.

And that's why I really enjoyed watching Hot Fuzz. It's by the same writing team that did Shaun of the Dead, another movie I really liked. They take the same zaniness that was done to Zombie flicks in Shaun of the Dead and put it into your all guns blazing police/action movie. For those who enjoy Shaun, you'll find yourself laughing at all the homages to that film that is in this film. Hint: Listen for a very familiar tune in the pub scenes.

The movie takes everything you'd expect from your clinched action movies and puts it into over drive. The result is one amazingly funny movie. Adding to that a cast of really great Brit actors/actress, and a whole list of cameos. This is one of those films you just go into the cinema and enjoy yourself. Escapism at its best. I don't really have anything else I can say about this except that if you need a laugh, this is the movie for you. It's a 9/10 from me.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Addiction II

I have a sick and sordid confession to make. As a film student and film bluff; there tends to be this expectation that people place on you to like "serious" or "artistic films"...well, I do. But there is this other side of me that likes brain less "silly" films. I mean, as much as film making is my life, I see films as being a form of entertainment too. And that's why I watch all sorts of films. And that's why I like "zombie" movies!

I don't know why but I do! They are often silly, over the top, hardly ever scary but they make me laugh and the above mentioned facts are the reason I like them. They remind me of why I liked movies in the first place. The entertainment factor.

Good serious or arty films are excellent but there are times that your brain really just wants to shut down. That's what "zombie" movies are for! Hahahaha...

For anyone interested, some of the better ones are Dawn of The Dead, Land of the Dead, Resident Evil 1 and 2 and Shaun of the Dead. Check them out. They're all pretty good. Like I said, they make me laugh.

Monday 28 May 2007

“Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me...” II

I hate it every time I have a sleepless night. My mind just goes all over the place, thinking about everything and anything. Today my mind just ran through all the dear Australian friends that I have made during my time here and the fact that after I go home, it will be a really long time before I even see them again. If I do get to see them again. Its horrible.

I love to sleep but these few months I have not been sleeping well at all. And from time to time I have these sleepless nights which last for days. And it really makes it very hard for me to function and get things done.

Another thing that exacerbates my current malaise is my current treatment of anti-depressant medication. There are days when I forget to take them and if I do, it makes my head spin out of control. I get bad headaches and this makes the sleepless nights worse. *Sigh*

Sometimes, I just want to take out me brain and shoot it...

Sunday 27 May 2007

Arsenal FC: New goalkeeper

Arsenal has signed a new goalkeeper, Lukasz Fabianski. Not to shabby, our first signing of the season and from the sounds of it, he looks like a good young investment. Lets hope he is really as good as he sounds on paper. Now all we need is a few more experienced players and we'll be set. Frank Ribery and Micah Richards perhaps? Fingers crossed...

All Arsenal related post will be in Arsenal red. :)

Saturday 26 May 2007

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: The World's End

*WARNING: Post contains Spoilers!*

I have to say that I was very happy with the third of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. It was a fitting end to the trilogy (if the studio chooses to end it here). The first Pirates of the Caribbean film was a classic; a great action adventure that really stood out when it was released. When the decision was made to turn it into a trilogy and film the next 2 films together (ala The Matrix Trilogy), a deep sense of dread came over me and considering what happened with the Matrix, I think it was well founded.

When the 2nd film came out (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest), my fears almost seem to come true. The film was in my humble opinion a big let down from the first one. As far as trilogies go, the middle is always the hardest one to tell and the hallmark of a great trilogy is often decided by how great the middle one is (The Godfather Part II, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Spiderman 2 etc...). Bad part twos often leave too much problems for the final chapter to fix.

But this film really does pull the trilogy back up the the fun and adventure of the first film. And in light of that, all the pieces fit into place, and thus the story thread running through all 3 films is very smooth. This also make watching the 2nd film a lot more enjoyable. Fingers cross on a special marathon screening of all 3 film together perhaps?

For this film itself, as I said early, it recaptures the swashbuckling adventure of the first POTC film and is very much watch-able on its own. All the story treads are tied up very well together and the twist and turns of the film are still surprising enough (well, some of them are but some are rather expected) to make you be on the edge of your seat.

The characters are rich and very well acted. Johnny Depp is excellent as usual as Captain Jack Sparrow and the return of Geoffrey Rush as Captain Barbossa is a welcome addition to this film. The scenes between the two of them are really a great highlight in this film. Another great addition is Keith Richards who does a cameo appearance as Jack Sparrow's father. Keep a look out for that scene. It is really an awesome scene.

The fight scenes are excellent and much bigger and grander then in the first 2 films and the CGI work on this film is first rate. The story itself has a good blend of humour and drama to really get you caught up in it. However, a little problem that I have is the film does move at a very quick pace and sometimes leave you behind for a moment and doesn't give you time to catch up. But on a whole, it wasn't a big issue. The dialogue overall was good but sometimes it was delivered at breakneck speed and it really forces you to pay attention.

The overall plot of the film, however, isn't really played out as well as probably in the first film. I actually overheard some of the audience trying to work out what they had just watched after the show but honestly, I didn't have that problem and neither did any of the friends I went with. Could just be a minority.

And for anyone reading this before they watch the film, remember to stay until the end of the credits for a hidden scene. *BIG SPOILER ALERT: Highlight the empty space if you wish to read it*
The child seen in the hidden scene is NOT the boy from the opening of the film but rather the son of Will and Elizabeth; who is waiting to see his father for the first time. I really enjoyed this film and it really closed the trilogy in a thoroughly satisfying way. I give it a 8.5/10.

Friday 25 May 2007

Happy Birthday Star Wars!!!

Star Wars is 30 years old today. It's amazing isn't it, its been 30 years since our imaginations were sparked to life it. 30 years since the opening lines "A long time ago...In a galaxy far far away..." sparked generations of youngsters to dream and reopened the eyes of every film-maker in the world.

Beyond a film, it become the symbol of an entire generation. And it become the one thing that brought back hope to a generation that has forgotten the difference between good and evil. There are so many different things that could be traced to the impact of Star Wars and I'll probably go into it in detail another day but no matter what people will say about it and the subsequent sequels, the truth is, Star Wars will never lose its place in the hearts, minds and dreams of an entire generation.

Wednesday 23 May 2007

The Darkness of Humanity

Some things that have occurred in my life in the past few weeks have shown me only too clearly the most hideous nature of humanity. The self-centred nature of Men (used to represent all human kind - female and male) that exist is the reason I have lost faith in people and in the world in general. I no longer believe in that we are capable of doing good to our fellow Men. The "slow failure" is probably the best way to describe this experiment we call life. When the day those who seem good are shown for what they really are: evil, self centred hypocrites; we know we have failed. Failed the great dream that once was humanity. Aristotle once wrote "Men, though they look, fail to see what is well-being, what is the good in life."

Religion isn't the answer. In fact it's far from it. It divides us ever more sharply. How can we talk about doing God's work, of showing compassion and kindness when the only thing our hearts and minds focus on is on our own gains and benefits. We plead to the world to listen to us, to look at us to show the way. We proclaim it to the world! "Kindness and compassion to all!" We even use it to represent ourselves on MSN and other chat programs. Its so much easier to hide our true nature on a computer screen then in real life. But the truth is, we are so dark, so evil and so twisted inside that we believe our own lies that we are doing everything for the betterment of humanity. All we do is
make use of who we can, whenever we can, hiding behind whatever reason we choose to make ourselves feel better. We do it so often we believe in our own bullshit. Humanity hates itself.

All we are doing is slowly killing the little hope that people already have in the goodness of the human heart. We kill ourselves with our own hypocrisy. It's a sad day indeed when the flower of hope begins its slow decay with our souls.

Some of us try to do what is right. We live by the idea that compassion (one that is not ultimately self-serving and pure form of compassion) is the only way we can restore hope within the human race; to once again believe we as a race can achieve what we were designed for but this journey is long and this journey is tiring and for the first time in my life, I'm not sure if I can find the strength within myself to carry on. I've grown tired of the evils of humanity. But everyone has limits. And I am truly tired.

featured photo II

New photo! Took this while I was on holiday in New Zealand (most beautiful country I have ever been too) in 2006. It was in a really nice little chapel overlooking the mountains. A gentle reminder of the beautiful world God made for us.

Photo was taken with a Nikon D70 and a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens (If memory serves me well).

Friday 18 May 2007

Movie Review: Zodiac

*WARNING: This post contains possible Spoilers.*

I watched Zodiac today. I liked it. Well, maybe I'm biased because I like most of David Fincher's films; especially Fight Club and Seven. But that aside, I think it was a pretty good watch. For those who are unsure of what it is about, well, don't find out. Its better that way. But for a basic sum up of what the film is about: its about a serial murder case.
I like stories like this. Mystery and serial murder stuff, its just really great story telling. Particularly when you throw in a set of cyphers into the mix, you got me hooked.

The good points about this film was that it was very well paced, it was slow but you don't really feel the length. The characters are engaging and the acting was first rate. The only draw back I could think of was the fact that because of the length of time needed to cover in the film, if you didn't pay close attention to the captions, you'd feel lost. Another downer I feel was the film does a very odd job when jumping between the two main characters. Actually more of Robert Graysmith (played by Jake Gyllenhaal), he sort of drops away from the story a little during the middle part of it. But other wise, I didn't find anything else wrong with it. The plot was tight, the pace was comfortable and it had great acting.

The look of the film was a departure from Seven and Fight Club, not as extreme but still holding elements of the typical Fincher look. Interesting technical note, Fincher shot this on digital rather the 35mm film. Might explain for why this film looked different from his previous ones.

Overall, I really enjoyed Zodiac. A lot more then Spiderman 3 in fact. I fact I liked it so much more that I rate it at 7.5/10.

Gay or Straight? I Don't Care. Do you?

I found this report on Yahoo videos today. Its a great 60 Minute episode. It touches on a topic which I am very interested in. Not because of any personal issues but rather an overall issue I have in relation to how homosexuals are being treated (particularly by religious and moralistic powers) . As I have mentioned before in my previous post, I am a Christian. And one of the greatest injustice I have ever had against the decisions that my church in Singapore has made was the tough stance in which they held against people who are homosexual.

They are often quick to judge and pass out judgement without fully understanding the context of the issue. I believe anyone who knows which church I belong to will probably disagree with me to the day I die. But let's just say this, the amount of control that a church has on a person makes the person follow an agenda (the church's) without question and without doubt. I cannot do that which is why it was so easy to label people like me "rebels" rather then have someone around who actually has a mind of his own. It's always easier to ignore people who question them rather then having to explain yourself to someone "beneath" you. My question is "Why can't we treat each other as human beings? As equals?". Oh well, that's life I guess.

Thursday 17 May 2007

"Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus"

*Disclaimer: This post is based on my own personal observations of the people I have encountered in my life. Please make up your own mind about what I have written here. These experiences are personal. I am not passing judgement on anyone here and the reason I am writing this so people can reflect on their own lives and actions. It is something that has been bothering me for a long time and I needed a place to vent.

I am a Christian. And I have been one for coming to 10 years of my life; grew up either in a Catholic or Christian school. I started attending and being active in church soon after the day of my salvation. I've personally had my ups and downs. My time when I was close to God and my time away from God. I am far for being the poster boy of what most people would call “the ideal Christian boy/man/whatever you want to call it”.

One thing I love to do in my life in church is to observe. To watch how every other Christian around me behaves, acts and lives out their lives. To learn perhaps by observation. Most Christians I've encountered love to wear their religion (or relationship but I'm going to use religion here simply because its easier) on their sleeves like a badge of honour.

I am happy to say that in my many years in church I have met many wonderful people. Christians who really care and who really show themselves true. people who have helped me grow, to see different sides of God. To become a better person and a better "Christian".

But on the flip side, I have met more of those who are not. They hide themselves behind façades; behind an idea of how they want to be seen to the world around them. they show themselves great in front of the eyes of those who matter. to climb the social and political powers that surround any organisation (and in particular organized religion).

People who have one more then one occasion caused me to walk away from them. Many people say, you go to church for God and not for people but these are the same people who say that we (people) make up the church. So if I go to church for God, why do I have to fellowship with others? I mean, from the start, the argument is flaw. Most people go to church for the first time because their friends bring them. That proves you do go to church for people. And most of the time, u continue to go because of people, friends etc...

They use the infamous term “in the service of God” or “doing God's work” as a excuse for ignore their personal responsibilities to their own lives while expecting others around them (especially if those other are Christians) to pick up the slack for them. They come of as wonderful Christians but horrible human beings (yes, its possible to be that). When you make a choice, it is YOUR choice; people can support you but they cannot do everything for you. It's your responsibility to find balance in your life and not expect others to help you balance it. And if you can't then it your prerogative to make it work. And if you don't and continue to expect others to pick up your shit , then that is nothing more then being a self-centred p***k.

Yet, these are often the same people who are always the first to judge, the first to cast their stone. They use their positions of power within the church structure or their influence (people they know) to give them the position to measure every one else. Often without really knowing or understanding any thing or any one. It's so easy to judge isn't it?

They cast moral judgement on others as a way to ensure their own superiority. They give themselves the right to be better then anyone else. They become hypocrites. "Pharisees" anyone?

When you stand up and say what you say and tell people, “Follow me! I have found a better way. The TRUE way!” Just remember, the world is looking and they look beyond what is shown. They look at EVERY aspect of your life. And the best part is, once someone knows one side that doesn't add up to what you advertise yourself to be...well, lets just say, people talk.

I have grown tired and wary of these people. I have encountered too many of them in my life; both in Singapore and in Australia and I suspect that there are people like this all around the world. They have become the reason I have grown to distrust the Church (in fact, ironically, most of these people either work for the church or are very much and active part of a church). After all, a church is made of the kinds of people in it. They often enjoy using the fact they are working for the church to become ugly and disgusting human beings. Is that how you want to be seen?

Serving God? Serving a higher purpose? Or serving your own selfish needs for power? Sometimes people just work for the church because they are desperate or incapable of finding a job somewhere else. But it's not for me to say why. Everyone has their own reasons and they will one day have to be honest with themselves. I've had to make the choice one before and my choice was based on what was best in the long run. I was taught a long time ago: Service does not equal to power. Service does not equal to the right to rule. Service is simple to serve. To help. To make better someone else's position.

I am not the perfect Christian, in fact, I am far from it. but I know this. it is not my place in this world to judge. it is my place in this world to listen, to understand and to try to help those that need help. And it is through the way I live my life that they will see that I have found something they need. Its easier to convince someone that you are good by being good rather then saying you are good. Facta, non verba.

I am on a journey, one that will take my entire lifetime to complete. To say "I am perfect" is to say my journey is over. Yet, this is how many Christians want to be seen. But not me, I am happy being an imperfect being. It gives me the chance to learn the lesson in life that i need to learn. Someone a lot wiser them me once said, "The important part of a journey isn't the destination but rather its how we get there."

Many people have said that there are 2 types of Christians in this world; those that are on fire for God and those that are not. I believe there are 2 type of Christians in this world, but its simply those that understand and those who think they understand. It your choice who you want to be. Not anyone else's.

Wednesday 16 May 2007

The Simpsons: 400 and counting...

I read this article on Yahoo! News today and its just seems to relate quite well to my earlier post on The Simpsons. Enjoy!

House: One Day, One Room

I skipped my lecture today to stay home to watch House (guilty look). It was one of the best episodes of Season 3 of House. I don't get to watch it much because its on at the same time as my lectures normally. But I knew what was on tonight's episode and I really wanted to. So please keep a look out for the episode titled above. It's really one of the best I've ever watched.

Monday 14 May 2007

Memoria II

I've been speaking to a couple of old friends in the past weeks. Most of us are around the same age and if there is one common tread between all those conversations is the question of what achievements have we made or what direction are our lives heading in.

Sometimes I think back and wonder when was it when we were growing up that our dreams and wishes for our futures got beaten out of us. I'm one of the lucky ones if I think about it. The one thing a number of friends are envious of me is that from a very young age, I knew what I wanted to do and have spent my whole life doing it. Although as I grew older, different aspects of myself came to light and I have altered my direction but it hasn't changed what I wanted since I was 7, 8 years old. I am one of the lucky ones whose dreams and talents fell together in the right place.

Maybe its because of the schooling system many of us grew up in. For all its successes, it has failed to prepare many of us for what life would be like outside of school. The real world is different from the world within the safety of a school. Knowledge without wisdom is nothing but a waste of knowledge.

I listen to the stories that my friends tell and I think back to conversations we had many years ago, when we were teenagers and the world before us was new. Something changed. The hopeful tones have become voices of regret and unfulfilled wishes. It breaks my heart when hearing it. Many people say the transition years are when you leave childhood and enter your teens, I think the real transition years are when you leave your teens and enter adulthood. The idea that as a 21, 22 year old person, you will have to know by then what to do with you life is just a scary thought for many of us. It truly is the first time in many of our lives we have to take responsibility for our lives and our futures; we are left without a safety net, without someone to blame. No matter how prepared you may think you are (and the truth is, most of us are not), its still scary.

Maybe this is why there are so many movies made about this subject, off the top of my head I can think of at least a few that have touched me; Clerks, Clerks II, Garden State, Dead Poet's Society. There is much to be learnt from these films; reflections of real life presented on the big screen (or the TV screen) for our benefit. Lessons in life and nuggets of wisdom hidden within the layers of laughter and tears that a film brings.

Its not difficult to understand why - As film students, we were taught when we wrote our stories and screenplays that one of the most important element is character development and one technique in story telling is for your protagonist to discover the difference between what he or she wants and needs. Its the same with real life. The reel echoing the real, as I would call it.

In an episode of Scrubs (I believed it was titled My Old Lady), J.D. was trying to convince and old lady to continue living by giving her a list of things that everyone should do once in their life. Much to his surprise, she has done everything that was on his list. Instead, she turns the question around and asks him how many of those things has he done or in fact how often has he done nothing and just sat in the sun.

We are told from a young age that we have to move from point A to B to C and so on and so forth. When we were children, we went where we were told to go. But now, we're older, no one tells us where to go. Many of us stop and stand still. It's like what Randal says in Clerks II, "I think the world has passed us by a long time ago." The question many of us face is simply this: So now where do we go?

There is a line in the screenplay for Dead Poet's Society that was cut from the final version of the film and it goes something like this "Do not be afraid to build castles in the air. That's where they should be. But rather, now build for these castles, foundations upon with they can stand."

Its time to dream again. And to believe that dreams do come true.

Friday 11 May 2007

featured photo I

Updated the photo at the bottom of the page. Took it on my way home from uni one evening. The sunset was just beautiful. Enjoy.

Photo was taken with a Nikon D200 and a ZF 25mm/f2.8 lens.

Thursday 10 May 2007

The Question

Shakespeare once wrote, "To be or not to be? That is the question." I think he should have also written, "Can a man and a woman be friends? That is THE question." It was established in When Harry Met Sally that it was impossible for a man and a woman to be friends without sex getting in the way. For those who have never watched that film, do yourself a favour, rent the DVD and watch it.

Anyway, I personally think its very much possible for that to happen. Most of my best and closest friends are girls. And most of us have been friends for many years and like I always said, if anything were to happen, it would have happened long ago.

So why is it so hard for people around, especially girls if I have to be honest, find it so hard to accept that 2 people (a guy and a girl) can be close friends without having any other forms of attraction between them? I think its because those people have either been to hurt by someone they once cared (and probably still care about) and thus have become bitter to the thought that someone else can be nice to them without wanting anything else or they are just simply cynical.

I have in my short life time seen many friendship and have had many friendships destroyed by people like this. They go around and whisper their own bitterness and cynicism into the ears of their friends (sadly to say, in most of my experiences, its always seems to be girls who do this but as I said, this is written from personal experiences). It almost seems as thought just because they cannot have a guy or a girl for a friend that no one else can. I mean, get over yourself. Its not your life anyway. What gives you the right to know everyone's intentions anyway? Just because you've been hurt by someone or been played by someone does not mean everyone else's intentions are the same! And just because you yourself cannot make friends with the opposite sex (friends who aren't trying to sleep with you - true friends - and if you don't know what a true friend is, this is directed at YOU!), it doesn't mean that other people have to share in your failures! As I said it before...GET OVER YOURSELF!

I have to say that the few years that I have spent living in Australia, I never had that problem with most of my Aussie friends. It always seems when I am back amongst my Singaporean friends that all this kind of bullshit happens. I don't know why. Maybe its our upbringing? Maybe we just need to get involved in other people's lives? But this isn't the first time I've experienced things like this and honestly, I think those people who do such things should simply be shot dead. I am down right sick of it. It happens everywhere and honestly, it's childish and stupid. Grow up people...grow up.

But why do people do this? I think it because we are becoming more cynical with every passing day and if you ask me, the world could do with a lot less cynicism. We have already embrace ignorance and apathy as "moralistic pillars" of our life. We embrace it and we take pride in it. We walk around comparing whose life is more miserable. I honestly hope that we do not do the same with cynicism. The world is already a painful and difficult place to live in. And we ourselves are part of what makes it worse. Semper fi.

Nemo nisi per amicitiam cognoscitur.

Friday 4 May 2007

Movie Review: Spiderman 3

*WARNING: This post contains Spoilers.*

I just got home from watching Spiderman 3. I have to admit, I was rather disappointed. When you put all three Spiderman movies together, 3 would be the weakest. I'm not saying that it was a bad movie. In fact, it was rather entertaining but in terms of the overall trilogy (isn't this such a buzz word nowadays?), it just couldn't stand up to the other two films. Since the internet has given every one a chance to speak their mind, here's my two cents worth...

The main thing that bugged me most about Spiderman 3 was the way the whole story played out. It just felt very much like 3 short films about Spiderman spliced together into a single movie (which ran for 2 1/2 hours!). In the first two films, there was an overall story arch that held the films together; Spiderman 1 being about Peter learning to deal with the power he has been given (you know, they whole "With great power comes great responsibility thing); while the 2nd film was about Peter learning to balance his life after accepting his role as Spiderman and not too mention the entire story arch with Doc Octopus. Such an arch was clearly missing in this film.

The opening 30 mins or so of the film felt like we were tying up unfinished story lines left over from Spiderman 2 with the New Goblin sub plot. Then the film continues to drag us through the Sandman/Black Spiderman plot line before finally coming to a slow and tenuous conclusion with the "All-In" fist fight involving not 2, not 3 but 4 superheroes/villians - Sandman and Venom on one side and Spiderman and New Goblin on the other (yes, its not a typo; NEW GOBLIN AND SPIDERMAN).

Character development was really weak as well. We don't really learn anything new about Peter, he's still as indecisive as he was in the first 2 films. How long does it take him to get used to being Spiderman? The there is Sandman, great back story to his character in this film but not used enough to make me feel for him. He was just always in the background and hence, forgettable. It felt like he was there just as a plot device to get Peter to embrace the Black Spidersuit powers. Venom is Venom, awesome but totally underused. He has always been Spiderman's most interesting nemesis (in my humble opinion at least). But to introduce 2 brand new villains to this film and not to mention trying to wrap up the Harry/Peter story line and have Peter fight his own demons was just one villain too many.

In the end, I counted Spiderman fighting 4 different enemies in the whole film. It was just a little too much. I think if they had just focused on a story line using New Goblin/Spiderman/Venom, many of us would have left the theatres feeling a lot better. There was so much that could have been done without need to introduce Sandman. Having said that, Thomas Haden Church did really well in that role. In the film makers defence, once they had decided to attempt such an ambitious story line, they were pretty much locked into it.

I think there is a lot more to come from this franchise, but maybe its time for Sam Raimi to take a short break from it. I just felt that overall, I was being dragged along for the ride rather then sitting back and going with the flow of the story. But what worries me is the fact that they tried to squeeze so much into this film with Venom (who honestly deserves a single film just with him and Spiderman) and company, it might be a sign that there won't be a fourth one. Fingers crossed that's not going to be the case.

So in closing, if I had to rate the film, I'm going to do it in context with the other two films. Hence, Spiderman 1 would get a 8.5/10 (this happens to be my personal favourite), Spiderman 2 would be a 9/10 and finally, Spiderman 3 would come in with a disappointing 5/10.

“Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me...” I

I couldn't sleep at all last night. No idea why. My sleeping patterns since I got back to Australia have been very bad, I barely sleep nowadays. And it has affected my work and my health quite a bit. I was trying really hard to get to sleep last night, but I ended up tossing and turning in bed for a few hours. At some point I gave up trying and started to sort out my DVD collection.

An interesting realisation dawned on me as I did...I actually own all the films written and directed by Kevin Smith (I'm a pretty big fan of his) - Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Jersey Girl and Clerks 2.

Of all his films, my favourite still has to be Chasing Amy (for anyone who has never seen it, please do yourself a favour and watch it. It will change the way you look at love). Clerks, Clerks 2 and Dogma all are tied for second place and surprise surprise, Jersey Girl is actually the third down on the list. With JASBSB next and Mallrats last of all.

I know most people out there probably haven't watched Jersey Girl before or if they did probably didn't like it very much. Smith seems to enjoy taking the piss out of himself with Jersey Girl but I think its a wonderfully touching film; it has a some-what predictable ending but a sweet flick non-the-less. Ok, it had some really bad acting (actually I think only one of the cast members did a bad job) but overall, I think the film deals with a topic not seen much in films at all. Fathers and daughters.

I think unfair judgement has been passed on this film based upon the early types of film that Smith released. This film was for a much different audience, and if memory serves me right, even Smith himself said so. Jersey Girl really has to be looked at with new eyes; by removing oneself from the well established and much loved "View Askewuniverse". Its a really heart warming story of how a father comes to terms with his own dreams and his role as a father. I think when we look at the film from that point of view, we get a very different feel for it.

I'm not ashamed to say I enjoyed it the first time I watched it at the movies and its not just because I am a fan of Kevin Smith but it was because it was a film that moved me. I found a connection with that film that I didn't with a lot of other movies I've watched. I'm not saying its the best film ever made or that it'll rank as one of my top 10 favourites (hmm...interesting idea for a future post perhaps?) but I'm saying that its a film I enjoyed watching and would not have a problem watching it again. Lets just say I enjoyed Jersey Girl a heck of a lot more then I enjoyed the 2nd and 3rd Matrix films. :)

Wednesday 2 May 2007

The Blues are OUT!

Congratulations to Liverpool FC! Once again they have knocked out Chelsea! Once more they have proved that money cannot buy you everything; take that Chelsea!. Although I am not a Liverpool fan, I think what they have achieve have been amazing! And I hope they go on and win the Finals this year. For 3 years running, there has been a English team in the finals of the Champions League; if only their national team could do as well...

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Something new: a mini photo space maybe?

For all those who know me well enough, it is a well know fact that I am a bit of a photography freak. Since I take quite a bit of photos, I decided to put mini photo exhibition space of sort.
So at the bottom of the page, you'll find a photograph I took. Enjoy!!! :)

p/s: as a form of protection of my own work, all my photos shown in this space are copyrighted and have been watermarked.

The Gettysburg Address

Hmm...weird one for me to write about given I am not an American, never studied in America and only been to America once; when I was 12 - on a holiday (I went to Disneyland!!!). But as a film student, I watched a series of films called "The Civil War" by Ken Burns. In one of the episodes, it touched on the Battle of Gettysburg which many historians considered to be the turning point in the American Civil War.

What sparked my interest was the speech that Abraham Lincoln gave during the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg months after the battle. I felt a connection to that speech even though the events that it is directly linked to have nothing to do with my life. I think a sign of greatness is how a person can find inspiration from an event from ages past. And from the teacher that is history learn a lesson that will benefit their present. If I had to put a word to it, I guess it could be call "applicability".

Back to the main topic, as I said, the words of the speech really struck home for me. Parts of the speech echoed strongly some of the problems that we face around the world now. Today as I was just reading it again and I thought I'll just put a portion of it here for everyone to read. Especially for those who have never read it or heard of it before. Enjoy...
"But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain..."
I think this portion of the speech is fitting given recently in Australia, where I am currently based, just celebrated ANZACs Day. I guess this part of the speech can be used to honour all the veterans who have sacrificed so much.