Tuesday 11 September 2007

Addiction III

I don't really shop much for clothes but recently I have become addicted to t-shirts; especially shirts that reflect who I am and stuff I believe in. They are like walking works of art! I am like totally insane about them. I think right now my collect stands at around 20 plus. And I am not yet ready to stop. There are so many out of stock ones that I want...*drool*....

One day I will line them all up and take photos of every one of them! hahaha....damn addiction!


MOJO JOJO said...

Yup, your new addiction, next to Pot that is....

Unknown said...

Darling, as long as it's not bright orange like that shirt you threatened to buy many a moon ago, I approve.

Your fashion guru of past,

Semper Fidelis said...

I believe it was bright yellow...but anyhow, I do have a few orange shirts...I likes orange! hehehe...